Methods of traditional and interactive learning: future teacher attitudes.

  • Олена Попадич
  • Володимир Староста


In the article the authors singled out the most essential characteristics of the concept of "interactive learning methods" as a system of approaches by analyzing scientific psychological and pedagogical literature and practice of specialist training: the purposeful and active interaction between the subject of learning and the learning environment can create optimal conditions for student development; subject-to-subject interaction through conversation, a dialogue between all participants in the educational process; formation of the experience in intensive communication; mutual learning among participants and with the teacher in the process of communication; developing organizational skills for joint educational activities and the exchange, change and variety of activities; purposeful reflection by all participants on their activity and interaction. Certain differences in the interpretation of the concept of «interactive learning methods» occur due to the complexity and specificity of interactive learning. The results of the survey of 120 students are presented in order to: a) identify the attitude of students to traditional methods of interactive learning in using 14 separate aspects of educational and cognitive activity of students in the process of studying; b) students’ assessment of the microteaching method as one of the specific methods of interactive learning; c) Students evaluate the objectivity of methods and forms of control. Students are future teachers and they feel positive about methods of interactive learning because such aspects as their cognitive activity, motivation to study, teamwork improve. The use of traditional teaching methods, according to students’ opinions, is especially effective for independent work, assessment of learning outcomes, etc. The authors believe that student assessment of interactive learning methods is somehow overestimated and it is also affected by increased attention of teachers and researchers to this problem and a significant number of publications, methodological developments, etc.


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