Professional development of teachers under conditions of continuous pedagogical education

  • Юлія Єрмак


The essence of professional development of teachers of higher educational institutions under the conditions of continuous pedagogical education is revealed in the article.  The author emphasizes the need to create an appropriate system for improving the professional level in the university, which would function in a permanent mode of renewal and development, contributing to the training of scientific and pedagogical staff for activities in the new socio-economic conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the creation of a scientifically sound postgraduate education system aimed at increasing the level of proficiency in the pedagogical knowledge and skills of each teacher, which in turn will enable the teacher of higher education to more fully realize professional functions, to master modern technologies of influence on the student's personality for development. Ensuring the continuity of education in the professional development of a teacher requires from the management system to adhere to the following areas: the establishment of an internal university system for monitoring the quality of scientific and pedagogical activities; scientific and methodological support for the development of professionalism of the teacher. The purpose of the practical component should be to attract teachers to profound activity in the process of considering various pedagogical problems, to stimulate self-analysis and self-assessment of their own level of professionalism and growth in this direction. With the use of personality-oriented technology for the development of a professional teacher level, along with traditional forms and methods, it is important to introduce methods of active work of teachers. These include: analysis of specific pedagogical situations; training for the development of vocational pedagogical skills; modeling and problem-activity games that make it possible to form such qualities as empathy, ability to interact with another person, emotional stability, professional creative thinking, professional self-consciousness, pedagogical intuition; discussions, debates, "round tables". We will also emphasize the creation of appropriate conditions for higher education institutions for training and improvement of teachers’ skills in order to ensure continuous vocational training in the workplace.


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