Improvement of the system of physical education of students of higher educational institutions as a pedagogical problem

  • Panchuk Andriy, Panchuk Ilona, Butenko Tetiana, Kashuba Anatolii Rivne State Humanitarian University


The article notes that modern living conditions
place high demands on the body of various
categories of the population, especially student
youth. According to most experts, only a healthy
person with an optimal level of physical fitness,
functional state of the body, high mental and
physical performance, psychological stability,
capable of the most adequate response to a set of
adverse environmental influences. The purpose of
the study is to consider the current state of physical
education of students. Methods and organization of
research are analysis and generalization of literary
sources, pedagogical observation, questionnaires.
The article finds that this problem is the object of
attention of a large number of specialists who
determine the importance and need to improve the
physical fitness of student youth. Today the
question of the need to modernize the entire system
of physical education of students becomes
relevant. The analysis shows that the real system
of physical education of student youth, which has
developed in Ukraine today, is inefficient. It does
not fully ensure the psychophysical readiness of
older young people for life. Thus, the issue of low
interest of students in physical self-education and
self-improvement is relevant. One of the ways to
solve this problem is to find rational approaches in
physical education and rehabilitation of students,
taking into account their motivation to engage in
physical education. To increase the efficiency of the
educational process, it is necessary to look for new
ways to improve the system of physical education.
The process of physical education of students is a
complex multifunctional system that performs a
number of important social functions, based on
preparation for productive life, while physical
culture is one of the components of general human
culture, contributing to the solution of health,
educational, socio-economic and educational tasks
of the educational process. Improving the quality of
the physical education system should be
associated with the introduction of new sciencebased
methods in the educational process, with the
use of the latest innovative technologies aimed at
attracting high school students to the values of
physical culture based on their motives, interests
and needs.


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