Experimental study of the structural-functional model of legal culture formation of future masters of medicine

  • Nataliia Shulha Donetsk National Medical University


The article is devoted to the experimental verification of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions and the structural-functional model of the formation of the legal culture of future masters of medicine. The formation of the legal culture of future masters of medicine has been studied separately for each of the criteria defined in the structuralfunctional model: personal-axiological; cognitive-operational; evaluative. The method of introduction of structuralfunctional model of formation of legal culture of future masters of medicine is described. The experimental study was conducted during four stages of scientific and pedagogical search - theoretical, ascertaining, formative, generalizing, which were determined by certain tasks, appropriate forms and methods of organization. Scientific methods were implemented gradually and complemented each other. In the process of experimental study, control and experimental groups were formed. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment the diagnostics of the initial levels of formation of the legal culture of future masters of medicine was performed, the initial state of the studied groups, the level of knowledge and skills of future masters were clarified; the initial conditions in which the experiment was conducted, the initial state of the participants of pedagogical influence was characterized. The proposed author's methods of forming legal culture were introduced in the process of lectures, seminars and practical classes of future masters of medicine. At the formative stage of the experiment, generalized data on the formation of the legal culture of future masters of medicine were analyzed. Author’s methods have proved their effectiveness and contributed to positive changes in the process of forming the legal culture of future masters of medicine. With the help of mathematical methods, the efficiency of the structural-functional model of formation of legal culture of future masters of medicine was confirmed.  


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