Main tasks for a music teacher in the process of independent preparation for conducting activity
The article systematizes and summarizes recommendations for independent preparation for conducting activity, which were developed on the basis of the program of the educational discipline «Choir Conducting», the educational and qualification level is a bachelor of pedagogical education. The publication defines the main tasks for a music teacher in the process of independent preparation for conducting activities, substantiates the essence of the concept of «independent preparation» for practical work with a choir, reveals the features of choosing a choral work, the conductor's preliminary work on a choral score, defines the psychological and pedagogical conditions of rehearsal work with a choir and a concert performance. Choir class and practical work with the choir is one of the main performance and practical disciplines of the special cycle of professional training of future music teachers. Analyzing the results of many years of choirmaster work of future music teachers, even with sufficient possession of special abilities and skills, students have difficulties in working with a choral team. Inexperienced musicians experience difficulties in organizing and planning rehearsal work, in identifying technical errors and performance deficiencies, in identifying the causes of performance inaccuracies, in finding means of eliminating technical errors and performance deficiencies. The greatest difficulty for a choirmaster student is the work on the quality side of vocal and choral sound, which, in turn, depends on the conductor having internal ideas and a clear understanding of the tasks and means of achieving the set goal. The publication will enrich students – future teachers of musical art with the basic knowledge, techniques and methods of the conductor's preliminary work on the choral score, rehearsal work and preparation for a concert performance.