The structure of the phenomenon of patriotic education of children of older preschool age

  • Solonska Aliona Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article examines the state regulatory documents regulating the patriotic education of
preschool children; the concepts of "patriotism", "patriotic education", "patriotic education
of older preschool children" are defined. Patriotic education of older preschool children –
integral dynamic personal property that reflects a feeling of love for the Motherland, for
people, for the country, a valuable attitude to the family, familiarity with national symbols,
public holidays, traditions, historical events, prominent people of the Motherland, which
are embodied in their behavior through the child's humanistic experiences. The features
of the development of a child of older preschool age are characterized. The educational
programs for preschool children "Ukrainian Kindergarten", "Child" and the partial program
"Ukraine – my Motherland" were considered. The components of the structure of patriotic
upbringing of older preschool children (cognitive, emotional-value, behavioral) are
determined. A description of each component of the structure of patriotic upbringing of
older preschool children is presented. According to the cognitive component, the child
undergoes a process of cognition, processing of the information received as a result of
education, training, observation and reflection on the surrounding world. The emotional
and value component acts as a general life attitude that is formed in the process of a
child's development. The expediency of this component is determined by the fact that
familiarity with patriotism affects not only the child's cognitive sphere, but also, passing
through his emotional perception, contributes to the formation of appropriate value
attitudes. In the behavioral component, abilities and skills are formed thanks to the child's
acquisition of experience, his involvement in various types of social activities,
interpersonal relationships.


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