Features of the work program in the curriculum discipline «Physical education» for bachelors

  • Bakiko Ihor, Faidevych Volodymyr, Kovalchuk Volodymyr Lutsk National Technical University


The article examines the specifics of the work program in the
discipline "Physical Education" of the first (bachelor's) level of
higher education. It is indicated that during the last decade, an
alarming situation has developed in higher education institutions
of Ukraine: in most of them, the discipline "Physical education"
was removed from the curricula of senior courses and remained
only in 1-2 courses in the amount of 2 hours per week. As a result,
the attendance of students of this discipline has significantly
decreased, the level of their physical development, motor activity
has decreased, and as a result, there is a deterioration of health,
which poses a certain threat to the economy and national security
of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the content
of the work program in the discipline "Physical Education" of the
first (bachelor's) level of higher education. In connection with the
reduction of the educational load in the 1st-2nd years, the transfer
of physical education classes in the senior years to the category of
optional and independent led to the fact that the vast majority of
students lost interest in physical culture and sports, the level of
motor activity decreased, worsened state of physical fitness,
increased morbidity. The restoration of the discipline "Physical
education" in higher education is possible under the following
1) the formation of students' valuable attitude towards physical
education and sports both in school and extracurricular time;
leading a healthy lifestyle; forming the culture of the organization
and spending free time, extracurricular activities in physical
education and sports;
2) the discipline "Physical education" should be mandatory for
applicants of all specialties in the amount of 4 hours per week for
applicants of 1-2 courses and at least 2 hours per week for
applicants of senior courses;
3) development of the material and technical base of institutions of
higher education; introduction of innovative pedagogical
technologies in the educational and training process; retraining of
teaching staff.


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