Development of engineering competence based on constructive thinking in physics lessons

  • Siusiukan Yurii Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article dwells on the need to foster engineering competencies during
physics lessons in secondary school. This question has become especially
relevant over the past two years, with the full-scale invasion of Russia into
Ukraine, when the issue of developing unmanned aerial vehicles, missiles, and
armored vehicles has become acute. For the successful resolution of this issue,
appropriately trained specialists are needed, the lack of whom slows down this
process. The article contains an analysis of the most popular specialties chosen
by school graduates. It raises the question of the need to foster engineering
competencies in physics lessons in secondary school in the present
environment, which is a prerequisite for entering technical and engineering
departments of higher educational establishments. The analysis of research
conducted by PISA is conducted, and the need to improve the level of teaching
physics, mathematics, and chemistry is justified, which gives graduates more
options when choosing a future profession. A graduate who possesses
engineering competencies will be motivated to select not only humanities but
also engineering and technical specialties. The article contains an overview of
the competencies of a contemporary specialist, including engineering ones. The
features of engineering thinking and potential ways of forming them within
educational institutions are enumerated. Methods and means of fostering
engineering competencies are reviewed.


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