Philosophy in a time of crisis: the Greek case

  • Володимир Прокопенко


On the example of crucial turn in philosophy which happened in Athens at the end of V–IV centuries and became a pre-condition for classical Greek philosophy to emerge, the author analyzes the way philosophy was doing in the situation of crisis, its ability to change itself and reshape its relationship with society. In the researcher’s opinion, the epoch of Greek polis crisis offered philosophers a number of various forms to survive in bad society, the majority of which was based either on shameless servilisme or on reasonable but weak-hearted escapism. The process of Greek philosophy appeal to the tasks of moral and political education is studied. The Greek wisdom in the person of Plato made its choice and, having realized its educative purpose, having turned into παιδεία, became not just physiophilosophy as proto-science, but came to birth as philosophy in the full sense of this word.


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