The problem of feminine and masculine nature in the conceptions of ancient philosophers

  • Наталя Костюк Дніпропетровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна


The subject of this article is formation of sex concept in the classical West-European philosophy, the ways of manifesting masculine and feminine nature in the social-cultural surroundings in conceptions of the ancient philosophers. Theoretical relevance of the subject of investigation is caused by the practical one, as the problems concerning male and female nature and roles in the society that only a few decades ago seemed to have been solved require consideration in the light of the current postmodernists’ theories and new life experience of men and women. The ancient world gave modern mankind great cultural heritage having created the basis of philosophy and science and predetermined the attitude to women for centuries to come. «Joy, beauty and love» first appeared to the Hellenistic world and it was the beginning of the modern androcentrism and gender inequality. That is why the correlation of male and female nature in the social organization and in the entire ancient culture has turned out to be divisive.


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