Gender-oriented pedagogy in the formation of the art of living in the cultural-educational space

  • Христина Лапій Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The article deals with philosophical and educational positions of the problem of the art of living. The role of gender-oriented pedagogy as a factor of the development of the art of living in the cultural-educational space is analyzed as well. The author considers gender-oriented pedagogy as a part of philosophical-educational and cultural conceptions which serves as a means of overcoming existing gender stereotypes through revision of the content of the studied subjects, role socialization, rethinking the role of a teacher, etc. Its aim is to mitigate the gender stereotypes through the creation of tolerant environment for the formation of a student personality by means of education. The philosophical and reflective field of the art of living, which is formed and develops outside the philosophy of education, is examined. It provides the relevance of the work.


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