Axiological dimension of education: problems and potential opportunities
Search for new people of education, required by the demands of our time, actualizes illumination of the philosophical meanings of education as a means for a man to define his place in the world of culture, in particular the free choice of value orientations and free life. Education, as a system that is of value in its essence and structurally includes such subsystem as upbringing which is based on sociocentric, anthropological, national and religious values, has a great potential of opportunities concerning value-moral orientation of the pupil's activity. Thus, formation of the purposes and content of education is principally important for realization of the educational axiological potential. The types of educational systems (traditional, rational, humanistic) and research activity, based on philosophical ideas that substantiate ideals, norms, and ontological postulates of science and education, are significant for the purposes and content of education.Downloads
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