Influence of the dialogue of world view and spiritual identities on the cultural and educational field of the personality

  • Людмила Москальова Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The article deals with the problem of the dialogue of world view and spiritual identities, namely with its influence on the cultural and educational field of the individual. It has been proved that at present this problem is of prime importance and it helps to realize various types of spiritual training within multi-confessional and multicultural communities. It has been proved that development of the dialogue of world view and spiritual identities is an extremely difficult process since it ought not to destroy the personality’s inner world. This type of dialogue suggests keeping up to certain procedures, studying the rules of interaction with “Another”, his way of life, mentality, activity, traditions etc. The author advocates the idea that the dialogue of world view and spiritual identities should be based on such principles as respect for “Another”, keeping up to his rights and fundamental freedoms, dignity, morality, mutual development etc.


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Author Biography

Людмила Москальова, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького
Завідувач кафедри соціальної педагогіки і дошкільної освіти, професор


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