The priority of a humane as characteristic peculiarity of ukrainian national system of education: historical and philosophical context

  • Олена Уваркіна


The article discloses the concepts of a national education human – like systems in the history of Ukrainian philosophical and pedagogical idea, which is considered to be the notional priority of modern Ukrainian national educational system. The process of human-like systems realization in education suggests theoretical reconstruction of humanistic potential precursors philosophical idea, namely those which reveal the essence of human in a personality. The author analyzes human-like and human-centered content of Ukrainian philosophy of cordia-centralism, which was represented by “the heart philosophy” of G. Skovoroda, mental philosophy of P. Yurkevich, pedagogical anthropology of K. Ushinskiy, ideas of universal education of M. Pirogov, S. Rusova, educational ideals of G. Vashchenko and others.


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