Socio-philosophical aspects of human dimensional paradigm of native ethno-cultural education

  • Михайло Семікін Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The research is devoted to the analysis of axiological aspects of the philosophical-educational reflections and sociocultural determinants of anthropologisation of the modern ethnopedagogical knowledge in the context of globalisation challenges. The principles of concept-anthropologacal dimension of ethnopedagogical knowledge in the system of ethno-education are explained, and the basic axiological concepts of human dimension projections into creation, recreation and transmission of the ethnopedagogical knowledge in the modern domestic education are reflected. Ethnopedagogy is determined as one of the basic components of the modern educational process, since it possesses a significant potential of human dimension as a concept-anthropological approach which is based on the humanistic worldview and value grounds.


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