Evolution of the polarity of «spirit / mind – body» in the philosophy and culture of the Enlightenment


At the beginning of the XXI st century discussions about the dichotomy «spirit / mind body» are still in the focus of philosophic schools and trends. The topicality of the research of human nature, in general, is due to the definite socio-cultural processes of postmodernity, which are also in the centre of philosophers attention. Addressing the Enlightenment in the attempts to determine the evolution of the basic concepts provides not only clarification of the transformations in the philosophy and literature of the Enlightenment, but accentuates their creative development in the following historic periods. The theory of the «natural man», developed and represented by the Enlightenment, expels the thesis of the rational feminine subject in this context. It is important to stress that the women-writers of the Enlightenment (M. Wollstonecraft, M. Astel, G. Hays, J. Austen and others) accentualize in their literary work the idea of the feminine nature equal to man’s nature. In order to realise that women possess human essence, «given by God», women should have a possibility and right to study, to obtain education,  this is one of the main ideas of the «feminists before feminism» of the XVIII century. It is worth mentioning that in their representations of «common sense» J. Austen sounds optimistic. She is sure her common sense and moral virtues is a way to the «good» active life.


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