Philosophical-anthropological receptions of educational interest of student youth


The article is devoted to the investigation of educational interest of student’s youth in social anthropology context. Educational interest is examined as an instrument of the socio-cultural constructing of reality, factor of anthropogenesis. It is shown that in modem cultural pluralism, youth becomes active subject, which forms valued-normative systems, socio-cultural models and lifestyles in transitional society.

Philosophical-anthropological reception of educational interest involves an analysis of the educational choice made by the subject, but determined from above, taking into account the specific conditions of its existence: information, socio-economic, historical-political identity. In other words, we are talking about a choice made on the basis of information that this person (or system) accepts.

By means  of the theory of dynamical systems, such reception presupposes the identification of conditions for the translation of the system into one definite state, regardless of the state in which it was earlier.

The researcher is mainly interested in the parametric mechanism of modernization of the system, the essence of which is that for some (finite) time the parameters of the educational system change so much that it becomes monostable (that is, one of the states becomes unstable and then disappears) and accordingly the change of educational interests of the included in the system of subjects. Regardless of the state of the educational system, it falls into the remaining stable state. After that, the parameters return their previous values, the system becomes bistable, but remains in a new state.


Section 1