Pedagogical conditions for the development of creative imagination of children by means of game artistic activity.
Creative imagination is seen as a kind of imagination, when a person creates new images and ideas that can be embodied in specific original products of creative activity. The main source of development of imagination in children is gaming. The creative nature of the game is confirmed by the fact that the child does not copy life, but combines images, which makes the game akin to art, where the child creates his role in the course of the game. Art is called activity, directly related to various kinds of art. Varieties of the art game are: theatrical games, music games, games related to fine and decorative practice, artistic and verbal creativity. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative imagination of children of preschool age are determined: enrichment with artistic impressions; сreation of the subject environment; friendly attitude; the correct correlation between various forms of organizing the artistic activity of children; development of artistic and pedagogical abilities of the teacher.Downloads
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