. Emotional disorders in children of senior preschool age and the conditions for their overcoming.

  • Віра Волкова
  • Ольга Віденіна


Emotions are an important component in the structure of the personality, they perform a motivating role, manifest their influence in various situations of life. To implement the interaction process, the preschooler must find common emotional language with people. For mental health, the normal course of various activities requires a balance of emotions. Violation of emotional balance, prolonged prevalence of negative emotional states cause emotional disorders, deviations in the development of the child's personality, disruption of social contacts. The article defines the causes and consequences of emotional disorders in children.

Emotional distress in children is seen as a negative state that occurs in the face of difficultly solved personal conflicts. The psychological causes of emotional distress in children include the features of the emotional-volitional sphere, in particular the violation of the adequacy of response to actions from the outside, the lack of development skills self-control behavior. There are three main groups of children with emotional disorders: 1) children whose emotional problems are mainly manifested in the framework of interpersonal relationships; 2) children with pronounced internal personal conflicts; 3) children with pronounced internal personal and interpersonal conflicts.

In each pre-school institution there are pupils, whose behavior is significantly deviant from the norm. It can be either super-moving children - "unmanageable", aggressive, or sluggish, slow, capricious, stubborn. The nurse must be able to understand the various negative manifestations of the child, to know which of them can testify to the onset of neuropsychiatric disease. There are two types of behavior in children, in which there can be negative emotional manifestations: the first group by type of behavior is unbalanced children, with predominance of states of excitation; the second group is children in whom the depressed state with depressive manifestations prevails.

Psychological correction of emotional disorders in children is an organized system of psychological actions, aimed at mitigating emotional discomfort in children, increasing their activity and independence, eliminating secondary personal reactions caused by emotional disorders such as aggressiveness, increased excitability, and disturbing distrust. The main conditions for overcoming emotional distress in preschool children are to create an emotional climate in the group, increase self-confidence. Correctional work with disturbing children should be conducted in a gaming form.


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