Pedagogical manageability of the process of the future teacher’s personality and professional development in the system of home educational management realization.

  • Дмитро Бірюк


The article deals with some social and educational aspects of pedagogical conditions of educational management realization in the institutions of pedagogical professional education in the context of the tasks of the New Ukrainian School Conception introduction. Some interdiscipline approaches to the problem of keeping to the subjective integrity of student’s personality – a future pedagogue – are analyzed, which requires optimization of management modelling of the specialist’s behaviour, favouring the achievement of success; some markers of matureness of the educational space structural elements both as individually and socially significant factors of the successful activity of subjects of the educational process are discovered. Some management bases of the following pedagogical accompaniment principles of the pedagogues’ professional training process are proved according to the demands of the modern stage of social development taking into consideration the peculiarities of basic organizational components as well as social and psychological regularities of forming a qualitative environment of the future teacher’s personality and professional development.


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