Innovative approaches in teaching a second foreign language

  • Viktoriya Kotlyarova, Iryna Barantsova, Maryna Tkach Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the questions of innovative approaches inteaching a second foreign language. After analyzing the learning situation and using some research from specialists some practical advice is given for the teachers to more effectively organize the learning process.

Teaching a foreign language at a university has its own peculiarities connected with the need to implement the principles of a professionally-oriented approach to learning.  Teaching two foreign languages at the Faculty of Philology is a long-standing tradition that acquires new features, adapts to modern conditions and varies in different higher educational institutions. However, the study of the second foreign language demands an innovative approach and requires in our opinion a thorough study.  Nowadays, when students so often hear English on television, radio, when they see that English is the language of international communication, they usually have the desire to learn English – they have a motive.So, when studying a second foreign language, the teacher must be able to develop the same motives for students, to cause interest, encouragement and desire. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to target students to work independently to master the second foreign language.  An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the learning process of the second foreign language is its cognitive and communicative character, which implies a conscious assimilation.When teaching a second foreign language, it is very important to use modern educational technologies, and this requires both study guides and the intensity of the learning process, for example: problem learning; collective training; multilevel learning; research methods of teaching; design training methods; technology of business, role and other types of games; learning in collaboration; distance learning technology.  

Thus, in teaching Englis as a second foreign language there are certain methodological features. However, at any stage of learning, the main goal of classes should be the communicative development of students, which lays the foundation for further self-improvement in this language.


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