Responsibility as the basis of legal education of adolescents in the pandemic conditions

  • Liubov Pomytkina National Aviation University


The article highlights the results of
theoretical and empirical research on
the features of legal education of
adolescents as a set of educational
activities of schools, families, law
enforcement agencies, aimed at
forming legal awareness, skills and
habits of lawful behavior of students.
One of the most important qualities for
assimilation of the legal education of
an adolescent is defined as
responsibility of the personality, which
was defined as the degree of
internality of a person associated with
the attitude to own development and
personality growth. At the empirical
level, the level of development of
personality responsibility in modern
learning conditions, i.e. online and with
a constant threat to health, has been
studied. Empirical research has shown
an insufficient level of development of
personality responsibility in
adolescents, which is associated with
their detachment from direct contact
and influence of educators and
teachers, due to online learning and
quarantine. Particularly low levels of
internality in health care field, and
therefore, modern adolescents in the
conditions of coronavirus and
pandemic need to take more care of
their health than they expect. In
addition, we assume that it is a healthy
person who is able to make adequate
decisions in determining adequate
norms and rules of behavior.
Emphasis is placed on the need to
introduce psychological and
pedagogical activities outside the
classroom into the online learning
system, and not be limited to hours of
corporate culture with the class
teacher: personal communication with
a school psychologist, legal education
representatives, trust service, etc.,
which can enhance responsibility of
the personality and expand conditions
of formation of adequate legal
education of adolescents in the
pandemic conditions.


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