Formation of research skills as a condition for the development of professional thinking of a musician

  • Nagorna Galyna the Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music


The article reveals the actual problem
of improving the development of
personality in the process of obtaining
a higher musical education. The study
showed the process of studying the
phenomena and processes of the
development of musical art, Future
musicians often found it difficult to
formulate the aim of musicaltheoretical
research, determine the
means of achieving it, connect them
with the performance of creative tasks,
solve problems, draw conclusions
about the achievement of the results of
this research, self-assess it. In
connection with the above, an actual
need arose for the formation of
research skills among students,
ensuring the development of
independent, critical and creative
thinking of a musician, aimed at
mastering the professional
reasonableness of a person.
Achievement of the set aim was based
on the creation of a complex criterionvalue
system for assessing the levels
of formation of a musician's
professional thinking in the course of
his research of self-critical activity.
Indicators of the development of this
thinking as its values-aims were
generalized to choose the aim of
musical-theoretical research, to find or
creatively create the tactics of relations
of the integral process of musicaltheoretical
research, to elaborate a
strategy of relations in the process of
this research, to evaluate, selfevaluate
the relevance, reliability,
power of the strategies and tactics of
relations of professional interaction
with the subjects of musical theoretical
research. In addition, the criteria for
research skills were the values-means
of the development of the professional
thinking of a musician. The musical
thinking of students, being the aim of
the development of their research
skills, itself acted as a value-mean for
mastering the professional
reasonableness of a person in the
course of self-critical activity. Thus, a
hierarchical system of values-aims and
values-means was created for the
formation of the professional thinking
of future musicians on the basis of the
development of their research skills.
In the course of the experimental work,
general and particular patterns of the
formation of research skills in future
musicians, aimed at developing their
professional thinking, were derived.


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