The main factors of the development of emotional intelligence in junior schoolchildren in the inclusive space of primary school

  • Huz Volodymyr, Huz Nataliya Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article highlights an important issue of the development of emotional intelligence in primary school children as an important component of personality formation. The basic concepts of the research topic are revealed. The emotional sphere as an important component of the development of “emotional intelligence” of the personality of a junior schoolchild is analyzed. It is proved that the study of emotional manifestations of children and the development of emotional intelligence in primary schoolchildren with special educational needs is the most important issue, especially in the period of their adaptation to the educational environment of primary school. It is relevant in the light of psychological and pedagogical approach to solve the problem of socialization of such children in society by increasing the level of perception and understanding primarily of themselves as individuals and others, and, very important, to solve the problem of emotional health of the child. . The paper also found that a high level of emotional intelligence affects a child's well-being. Such children are able to regulate their own emotions, they are less prone to stressful circumstances and socially adapted. Children who have a low level of emotional intelligence are more likely to face various difficulties at school; they may have problems with mental development. The child, feeling all the emotions on himself, understanding them, recognizing the emotions of others, becomes more developed in understanding such concepts as “self-control”, “selfregulation of emotions”, etc. It is noted that the early school age is a favorable period for the development of the individual's ability to differentiate and further recognize the emotional states, feelings and experiences of both themselves and others. Junior schoolchildren are able to understand and recognize familiar emotions that have arisen throughout life. It is established that the source of emotions and feelings of junior schoolchildren is the leading educational and play (which is still important) activities. During each important activity, there is a positive and negative experience of feelings, which further affects the behavior, activities, and personality development. Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature has also identified factors in the development of emotional intelligence. A promising area of research will be an experimental study of the level of the development of emotional intelligence in primary schoolchildren in the inclusive space of primary school.  


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