Preparation of future primary school teachers to education of tolerance in junior schoolchildren

  • Potapchuk Tetyana DVNZ "Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University"


The problem of tolerance for Ukrainian society is primarily related to the need to overcome internal disunity, including political, social, religious, as intolerance is one of the biggest global problems in the modern world. There is interest in the phenomenon of tolerance, which is seen as one of the possible ways to overcome social tensions. Among the priority areas of reforming the educational process there are the implementation of the principles of universal morality, the formation of awareness of the relationship between freedom, human rights and civic responsibility, interpersonal skills and preparing the younger generation for life in a multicultural space. Education of tolerance provides an opportunity to learn about the culture of different peoples, thus creating the preconditions for mutual understanding and respect, a position of cooperation, which is the key to social and international stability. The basis of modern educational space should be the pedagogy of tolerance, which involves changing the system of human relations, building them on mutual respect. The article clarifies that tolerance is determined by the guidelines, habits, worldview formed in the individual; subject to purposeful education and self-education. The readiness of the future teacher to form tolerance in primary school students is interpreted as an integrative personal and professional quality that accumulates knowledge about the essence and content aspects of tolerance, emotions, values, needs, motives aimed at achieving mutual understanding, experience in applying knowledge and skills in behavior. cooperation, ability to dialogue with others. The study of tolerance education in primary school children showed that a significant role in this process is played by factors that directly affect this process: the psychological characteristics of primary school children, the specifics of the organization of the educational process in primary school. 


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