Virtual communication: a learning tool or a new language skill?

  • Boiko Oksana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article identifies the features and forms of virtual communication. Two approaches to determining the pedagogical potential of internet communication are defined: online communication as a means of teaching and developing certain skills and Computer-Mediated Communication as a separate language skill. The technical capabilities of the most used social networks are highlighted and characterized using the example of Telegram in the context of receptive and productive language skills. The interaction of oral and written speech in the process of virtual communication is analyzed. The works of scientists from different countries are analyzed and their approaches to determining online communication and its place in the pedagogical process are specified. The model program of NUS in a foreign language in grades 5-9 is considered. A possible definition of virtual communication from the point of view of pedagogy is given. Prospects and directions of further research of the pedagogical aspect of internet communication are clarified.


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