Kinesiology exercises in working with children with special educational needs

  • Tahan Liudmyla Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


To solve the problems of mental development of children with
special educational needs in correctional work, it is necessary to
use kinesiology exercises that will help children of this category to
develop mental processes, overcome difficulties in educational
activities, relieve fatigue and stress caused by mental and
emotional stress. Kinesiology exercises promote brain
development through movement. Motor insufficiency is a possible
cause of retardation in mental development. Therefore, it is
effective to start solving the problems of children with special
educational needs not by correcting higher mental functions, but
by replenishing sensorimotor intelligence with the help of special
exercises. The article describes the technique of conducting
kinesiology exercises, characterizes their main groups, and gives
examples of exercises.


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