Pedagogical conditions for the formation of innovative competence of future teachers of computer science with the help of innovative technologies

  • Kozhevnykov Petro Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article reveals the specifics of the influence of innovative
technologies in the pedagogical conditions of formation of innovative
competence of future computer science teachers. The author
determines that innovative technologies, systems of education,
upbringing and the process of forming innovative competence of
future computer science teachers differ in the specifics of their
manifestation in practice, as they reflect the level of pedagogical
skills and creativity of teachers. It is outlined that the choice of
innovative technologies depends on the perception, identification
and purpose of the technology. Knowledge of the characteristics of
innovative technologies provides opportunities to choose and
influence the introduction of innovations into the system of higher
education institution: to evaluate, predict the results of innovations,
study and analyze the introduction of innovations into the
educational process, and manage innovations. The author outlines
the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of
innovative competence of future computer science teachers with the
help of innovative technologies in the process of professional
training: orientation of motives and values of professional qualities of
the future computer science teacher's personality towards the
formation of innovative competence; updating the content of
professional activity of the future computer science teacher with
knowledge, skills and abilities in innovative competence; creating an
innovative educational environment and using innovative
technologies for the effective formation of innovative competence of
future computer science teachers.
An analysis of the practical activity of the scientific clubs
«Informatics» and «Acme» on the introduction of innovative
technologies in the process of forming innovative competence is
carried out, which allowed to dwell in more detail on the pedagogical
conditions for the formation of innovative competence. In particular,
it is outlined that it is innovative technologies that influence and
improve both teaching methods and the educational environment
and all subjects of the pedagogical process.


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