In striving to realize an acquired qualification in practical activity, professional abilities become especially significant. In higher education, competence, that includes not only knowledge that create a core of the qualification under acquiring, but practical abilities that help to entrench in labour market as well, becomes education's goal.
Practice is a part of study process, during which students develop their competence according to their speciality in practice enterprises. During practice, students' knowledge is being verified, adapted and developed in practical professional activity. Without practical sessions, for students it is difficult to understand how theoretical knowledge acquired in College could be adapted and used in future professional activity.
Practice is a constituent of study process, however, the problem that often appears is a quality of practice performance. Quality of students‘ practice performance is determined by many different factors: student‘s motivation and willingness to acquire professional experience, properly formulated tasks and goals of practice, attitude of the enterprise, in which students go for practice, towards trainee, competence of practice mentor, etc.
The article tries to find out a significance of practice of professional activity on studies quality, impact of practice on students during their adaptation in labour market and student‘s successful transition from education system to independent professional activity.
The research indicated that in preparation of students for professional activity more attention should be given to soaking up of theoretical knowledge of students‘ speciality, organization of training and professional practices of speciality, development of social personal characteristics and abilities and give more and deeper specific knowledge and abilities.
Key words: professional activity practice, professional activity, quality of studies, study programme, student.