Text as culture in postmodernism: interrelation of narratives and discourses
Postmodernists oppose the tradition of logocentrism, which is aimed at seeking a theological truth, to deconstructive interpretation model, which presumes that the culture is the text. Furthermore the boundaries of the literary text are extended including a variety of cultural events and artifacts. In this new cultural landscape, a special role belongs to visual image which is primarily embodied in the cinematograph. Postmodern cinematograph demonstrates a unique situation: the fundamental and popular cultures often include the same intertext – psychoanalysis, mythology, virtual reality, etc. Such films as «The Fight Club» by D. Fincher, «The Revolver» by G. Ritchie, «To Kill Bill» by K. Tarantino and others are full of intertextuality. However, the most vivid among them is «The Matrix» by Vachowskiy – a combination of the philosophic parable, thriller and fantastic utopia. Being a secondary by definition and operating a proven technique, the movie includes a lot of complex intertextual links with the fundamental culture. It’s obvious that mass culture of today makes a responsive step towards the elite culture, i.e. mass and fundamental cultures have a common intertext. This proves the fact what serious changes are happening right in front of our eyes, the changes which reflect the «situation of postmodern» and make it legitimate.
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