Worldview understanding of the non-transitory wonder: Philosophical reflections on Mykola Rudenko’s «Memoirs»

  • Володимир Шевчук Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту
  • Ганна Шевчук Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв


Considerable part of many-sided spiritual inheritance of Mykola Rudenko is represented by a range of the advanced studies, including philosophical, which require the careful research. They are devoted both to ontological and cosmological problems, as well as to the problems of spiritual development of people, their worldview development and growth. An attempt to conduct the analysis of the worldview and philosophical integrity which unites the scientific reserve of M. Rudenko in areas of philosophy, cosmology, economy, culturology and globalization problems exploration is made in the article. The original method of the thinker, developed on the ideas of V. Vernadsky, due to which he searches the «saving knowledge» into which concrete theories from different scientific areas turn, is traced. The core concept of M. Rudenko’s philosophy is «logos» which comes forward in the gnostic understanding of the life fundamental principle. Another key concept is the «energy of progress» which asserts immortality and cautions the earthly humanity against death.


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