Raising of the man of culture: culturological intentions of the new educational methodology

  • Марина Будько Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького
  • Олена Троїцька


Seeing the causes of the educational crisis in decogeneration of educational and cultural environment, the authors are trying to prove that creation of the new educational methodology, adequate to the challenges of time, is possible only on the basis of understanding culture as a value-symbolic foundation of education and under conditions when philosophy of education attracts the methodological and conceptual apparatus of the cultural science. If the philosophy of education is to form the worldview basis, define the goals, tasks and algorithms of their solution, then the task of culturology nowadays is to determine the frame of reference for the system of education, lay the route and show the direction of further movement, which will coincide with the direction of cultural system's self-development. Only under conditions of such inter-directedness, mutual support and inter – complementarity by means of overcoming "separate institutionalization" of philosophy, education and culture it is possible to create conditions for full-fledged functioning of the educational system as an instrument of culture, hence for realization of the "cultural" functions of education as a system core of the single cultural-educational space.


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