Philosophy of education as an education area rationalization factor

  • Петро Матвієнко Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


Philosophy of education serves as «rationalizer» in the field of educational knowledge. It has two components – the educational and philosophical ones which are in a state of reflexive relationships. A number of important issues for the educational area is classified by categories: philosophy-educational and education-philosophical problems. Focus of the philosophy of education on the solution of these problems gives it quite obvious practical sense and content. The problems of both groups are studied in the article. They are interrelated and often have common roots which lie in a kind of "metabasis." This metabasis concerning education and philosophy can be represented by sociocultural, local or temporal peculiarities of the formation of the situation of philosophical reflection and the educational process. This requires the analysis of the problems of teaching philosophy in higher school which may help to find ways to solve more general problems.


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