Historical and civilizational dimensions of the information sector
In the article an attempt is made to characterize the historical and civilizational dimensions of the information sector. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the development of information-communicative sphere acts as a determining factor of modern civilization. The purpose of this article is to characterise the development of information and communicative spheres in the civilizational context. The methodological basis of the article is the wide range of philosophical and scientific methods, above all: dialectic, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, abstraction and the like. Along with this, special attention is paid to interdisciplinary research methods: comparative, political, linguistic and the like. The results of the study concluded that globalization in historical-civilizational dimension is much activates the processes of communication and development of information systems. Therefore, at the beginning of XXI century the number of Internet users reached one billion people. The reasons for this proliferation and popularity are rooted in its unique potential, which primarily consists in the possibility of creating, processing, storage and transmission of information regardless of frontiers and distances. And, thus, created through multimedia and communication networks «digital» info-communication network is developing in the form of so-called «cyberspace». This space covers the major part of the whole information and communication sphere, and is a kind of «virtual reflection» of the real phenomena and entities. As the processes of globalization led to the formation of a system of economic integration and global communications networks.
Key words: historical and civilizational dimension, the field of information, communication, digital network, "cyberspace".