Personality-oriented approach to the education of meaningful life values in adolescents

  • Kateryna Zhurba, Iryna Shkilna Institute of Education Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


The article covers the application of a
personality-oriented approach to the
education of meaningful life values in
adolescents. It is proved that the
personality-oriented approach reflects
the patterns of development and the
specifics of educating the meaning of
life values of adolescents, where the
main priority is given to the realization
of the essential forces of the child and
opposes treatment as a means of
technocracy, unification and leveling of
personality. Personality-oriented
approach ensures the right of the
growing individual to choose one or
another meaningful life values, to
develop their own values and behavior.
An important aspect of applying a
person-centered approach is the
rejection of moralism, formalism and
schematicism in the education of
meaningful life values in adolescents.
The application of a person-centered
approach to the education of
meaningful life values in children
through an emotionally positive
attitude, respect for dignity implies the
interest and involvement of all subjects
of the educational process. Conditions
for effective application of personalityoriented
approach were: creating an
appropriate educational environment,
using various forms and methods of
individual work with children
(psychological and pedagogical
support, individual conversations,
consultations, pedagogical
observation, project work, preparation
for educational activities, competition),
self-education, etc. The effectiveness
of the use of different types of reflection
(regulatory, determining, synthesizing,
creative) and the reflexive-explicit
method of I. Bekh, subject-to-subject
interaction is confirmed.


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