The state of formation of family values in students of 5-9 grades in general secondary education

  • Fedorova Olena, Heorhadze Tetiana. Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article raises the problem of the state of formation of traditional family values among students of basic schools of institutions of general secondary education. The analysis of the theoretical works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issue of family, marriage, marital relations is carried out. Based on the analysis of studies devoted to the development of the criterion base, the criteria and the corresponding indicators of the formation of family values in primary school students were determined: spiritual and material family values; value-emotional (positive attitudes towards the knowledge of family values, a sense of emotional well-being (comfort) when communicating with family members, sensitivity to identifying problems in the family); activity-based (the ability to recognize conflicts occurring between family members, and accordingly to respond to them; the ability to take care of oneself and the members of one's own family, help them and bring joy; the ability to be active in household affairs). These criteria and indicators are used to characterize the levels of formation of family values among primary school students (high, medium, low). The theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem of measuring family values among primary school students are analyzed. The diagnostics of the levels of formation of family values among primary school students was carried out according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion. In particular, the initial state of awareness of family values and the readiness to take them into account in future life was analyzed, the presence of motivation for knowing the family, its type, communication style, style of relationships between its members, the presence of a motive for knowing the essence of spiritual and material family values was established.


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