Mathematics teacher training in the context of modern social challenges

  • Maretska Yuliya, Bunchuk Oksana, Tabler Tetyana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


In the presented publication, the authors reflect the problem of
training both mathematics teachers and pedagogues in general, in
the light of modern social challenges. Attention is drawn to the entry
of domestic higher education into the European zone, which means
a change in the vision of training a modern teacher as a person
capable of working in conditions of rapid development and change.
The training of a teacher of a new formation involves reforming and
updating all structural links. Revealing this context, the authors
emphasize the general trends in the development of education,
analyzing the processes of globalization and integration. They also
do not ignore the crisis of education – a complex and voluminous
concept, which is in no way identical to decay and regression, but is
a catalyst for the above-mentioned phenomena. The publication
analyzes the directions of educational system reform and basic
principles (democratization of the educational space, variability of
education, regionalization of education, integration of different types
of educational institutions to ensure the continuity of the education
system, globalization and internationalization of education through
adaptation of the national system to world education systems).


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