Ideas of didactic design in the global practice of professional education

  • Liapunova Valentyna Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article discusses approaches to the use of didactic design ideas in the practice
of professional education. Didactic design is defined as an approach to creating
educational materials and courses that arose in the middle of the 20th century as
part of research in the field of pedagogy and psychology of learning. An overview
of the emergence of ideas of didactic design through the personalities of famous
teachers and psychologists who contributed to the formation and development of
this direction in the world theory and practice of education is given. It is indicated
that the didactic design is intended for the creation of a didactic modeling
environment that supports the most important and time-consuming educational and
cognitive actions, and is implemented on the basis of the anthropological principles
of multidimensionality and instrumentality. Its objects, on the one hand, refer to the
social sphere (educational systems and processes, didactic objects, etc.), on the
other hand, these objects can include elements of graphic design, environmental
design and interior elements, for example, educational environment; development
of illustrative and graphic or text support for any educational discipline; projects of
educational or methodical manuals; development of design learning technologies.
It is noted that the functional properties of didactic design are dictated by the
specifics of the subject area and consist in the special organization of educational
material and its visually convenient presentation, as well as programming and
support of the necessary educational actions with it. An overview of the first
publications, which became classics, is presented, as well as the topics of the latest
publications of 2022-2023 are analyzed.


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