Algorithm of psychological influence for overcoming a child's elective mutism and forming necessary communication skills

  • Polishchuk Julia Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


Elective mutism in children characterized by a persistent inability to speak in certain social
situations, despite the fact that in other settings (for example, at home with parents and
some close relatives), the child shows sufficient verbal competence. This phenomenon is
often associated with significant impairment of the child's academic, social, family, and
personal functioning. In most cases, it is caused by an anxiety disorder associated with
impaired development of the child's nervous system and occurs, as a rule, in preschool
and primary school age.
Elective mutism is considered a relatively rare childhood disorder, however, the dangerous
military actions have a significant impact on the mental state of a large number of children.
In addition, as a result of forced mass travel abroad, children find themselves in a foreignlanguage
environment, which is very dangerous for the period of formation and
development of their speech. Besides, during their stay abroad, such families, as a rule,
are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with relevant specialists and receive the
necessary information in a timely manner about the creation of favorable conditions for the
development of children's speech. All this, in turn, increases the probability of the
development of elective mutism in children.
Since elective mutism is characterized by a symptom complex and low effectiveness of
corrective action, therefore research aimed at increasing the effectiveness of corrective
work with such children is certainly considered very relevant.
The article presents the author's experience of correctional work to overcome elective
mutism in a six-year-old child and develop his communication skills based on the
developed algorithm of psychological influence with the participation of a temporarily
created team (consisting of: a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, parents, a kindergarten
teacher and a school teacher).


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