The cultural and educational environment of national research university as opportunity for realization of future specialist personal potential

  • Тамара Стручаева Белгородский институт развития образования
  • Елена Иващенко Белгородский институт развития образования


The article is devoted to the modern national research university of Russia at which educational, innovative and cultural conditions for the development of common cultural and professional competences of future specialists are created. Particular examples of the activity of the national research university "BELGU" demonstrate in what way the university uses possibilities of cultural and educational environment for the improvement of each student’s creative abilities.

Key words:

university education, common cultural competences, professional competences, cultural and educational space, museum environment.


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Author Biography

Елена Иващенко, Белгородский институт развития образования
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки і методики початкової освіти