Методичні прийоми розвитку креативності та критичного мислення на заняттях з англійської мови

  • Єлісєєв Ігор, Надольська Юлія Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


The objective of this article is to demonstrate the techniques
that foster the formation and development of critical thinking
skills in a learner and provide a creative atmosphere in the
English classroom. The research focuses on the benefits of
short-classroom, easily-prepared language activities
helping to develop creativity and critical thinking in a learner
and provide a creative atmosphere in class as well as
recommendations how to incorporate them into a learning
environment and thus to supplement the longer teaching
procedures that make up the main body of the English
course. The methods of research involve analyzing and
generalizing pedagogical and methodological literature on
the issue of “critical thinking” as well as observation,
induction, deduction, and the method of ideal modeling.
Current approaches to the problem of critical thinking
formation are considered; a set of teaching techniques that
can be used at the English lessons with various age groups
is suggested. Moreover, the latter can be adapted according
to different language proficiency levels. The use of shortclassroom
language activities aimed at developing creativity
and critical thinking at the English lessons not only helps
improve students' use of language and their communication
skills, but also makes lessons much more effective,
entertaining, and enjoyable.


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